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Can you smell that?

Take a deep breathe in through your nose, what do you smell? That dear readers is the smell of Freedom. Freedom from semester tests for the rest of our undergraduate careers (lets keep fingers and toes crossed).

We wrote GIS 320 the day after demo 2 and the majority of us only started to study after demo 2, I was one of them. Long story short, the test went well and now it's over, now it is time to focus the last little bit of energy we have on finishing our GMT project.

With only 1 week until our final demo, it is time to push and nail the demo. After the 3rd of November, we will be finished with GMT and then we will have some free time. I have forgotten what that feels like so now I have to relearn how to cope with free time.

For now, it's time to divide the last little bit of work and work on that!

Maps out!

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