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I must admit I am very chuffed with how I coded our 3D Map application. Rather then embedding the 3d map into our website I decided to create a website for our 3D maps. Although the design is fairly childish I hope it can be useful for kids to use to understand their community and its quite cute if I don't say so myself. In the heading ive even included birds in trees and a car to represent the very odd site of seeing a car at the top of hill with no clue as to how it made its way up there.

Today I got to do some of the coding I really enjoy and I did attempt to code some PHP but ran into a problem where when the php is meant to connect to the database and show an echo of connected on the screen, I either got a blank screen or a overload message.

And on top of that after adding the working application pages to cyberduck they functioned on my phone(which was pretty awesome) but the geolocation suddenly wasn't working so that is my next big fix tomorrow.

If you're looking for me tomorrow, I'll likely be in Victoria's office, bugging the heck out of her for help.

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